It is so easy to speak evil of someone especially if we are told by someone this person has done something we don’t believe they should have done. We should not do this. Perhaps the person telling us has not found out all the facts. By doing this we have set aside God’s law of love. We should always find out all the facts. Should you find out this is true you still should not speak evil of this person unless for some reason it would become necessary. If we cannot speak well of someone it would be better for us not to say anything.
James 4:11; “Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge”.
The above Scripture says when we speak evil of our brother or judge him is speaking evil of the law and judging the law. We need to be careful of judging the law because the law of the Lord is perfect.
James 4:12; “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy, who art thou that judgest another”?
The only Lawgiver is God Himself and He is the one that reserves the power of passing final sentence on men. He is the one that has the power to save or destroy. He is the one that rewards and the one to punish for disobedience.
We should not try to set other laws or rules; we should go by God’s.
I have been guilty of speaking about someone and there have been times the Holy Spirit has immediately let me know this is something I should not have done. I am working on not saying anything evil of anyone; if I can’t speak well about someone I should not be saying it. I pray the Holy Spirit will continue to speak to me to convict me of this. I hope if you are guilty of this that you will work on it also. If you need help in doing this be sure to call on the Lord as He will help you.
Thank you for dropping by, I have enjoyed our visit. May you always know the love, joy, and peace of the Lord!
Press On to Know the Lord
15 hours ago