I looked up in the dictionary to see what word or words mean. There are so many definitions that I am just going to write a couple of them down. They are a brief expression; a remark; as, a word of advice. A speech sound or series of them, having meaning and used as a unit of language: words may consist of a single morpheme or of combinations of morphemes. I really think it takes more than these two definitions to explain what word or words mean but I am sure you all know what they mean.
When you say something do you really know and mean what you are saying or is it just a group of words put together? I think we have all said things that we don't really mean but we have said them and there is no taking it back.
I hear people say "oh God" or "oh Jesus", I wonder if they are calling on the Lord for something or is it that they need an expression and they have chosen these words to say. Have you ever said these words? If you have, what did you mean by saying them?
God and the Deity are holy, righteous, just, loving, forgiving, compassionate, and many more wonderful things; they should be treated as such, that means their names also.
So, if someone says "oh God" or "oh Jesus" and they aren't calling upon the Lord for a reason, isn't this slang or using their names in vain? I use to say "oh God" but I believe I was using it as slang or it could have been in vain, it doesn't make any difference how I was using God's name it was in the wrong way. Isn't one of the Ten Commandments "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"? God's name should be hallowed, honored, and respected as extremely sacred, and it may be used only in a holy manner. By using it in the manner of "oh God" or "oh Jesus" and we are not calling on the Lord for a reason we are not giving respect or treating the names as sacred.
Exodus 20:7; "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain". If we use the Lord's name in the wrong way we will be held accountable for it.
In so many things we say we want to speak the truth, like when we tell someone that we love them we do love them or we wouldn't say it. But there are times when we so freely use the name of the Lord in away that we don't really mean and we should not be using it in that manner.
Have you said or heard someone say "I swear to heaven"? Well, this is something we should not say either. Heaven is God's throne and should also be treated as such. Matthew 5:34; "But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne":
Matthew 5:35; "Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King". The earth belongs to God, it is His footstool and we should take care in the words we use when saying anything about heaven or earth.
When we speak we should always choose our words wisely. I don't believe any Christian wants to use words in the wrong way; we just don't want to offend our precious Lord in any way.
May you always know the love, joy, and peace of the Lord!
Press On to Know the Lord
15 hours ago