Wherever I go the Lord is with me. He is at my side continually with His faithful love and kindness. His help is constant along with His mercy, and support. For me, my life is incomplete without the Lord. When the time comes I will be with the Lord, forever. Psalm 23:6; "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
It is comforting to know God is with me all of the time. No matter what I face God will be at my side to help me through it. He doesn't go just so far and leave me, He stays with me at all times.
Because I love Him I want to obey Him, praise Him, share His love with others and tell them of His mercies. Everyone has the right to God's love and mercy not just a select few. God is interested in all of us, when we suffer He will uphold us with His love and His mercy.
Psalm 25:14; "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him; and He will show them his covenant." To fear God is recognizing Him as a God who is angry about sin. God has the power to punish the ones who disobey His righteous laws. When we truly fear the Lord we will live obedient lives to His commandments and will say 'no' to sin. The fear I have of the Lord is a holy fear because He is Holy, it is not the same fear that I might have of running into another car or some other fear that can be prevented.
Christ sympathizes with our weaknesses. We should know we are able to draw near to the throne, God wants us to call upon Him, He desires this of us. This throne is what they call the "throne of grace." From this comes God's love, help, mercy, forgiveness, spiritual power, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, all that we need under any situation. Isn't this awesome?
II John 1:3; "Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love." The mercy given to us is free pardon and forgiveness. Grace, mercy, and peace are desired in truth and love.
Have you ever thought about all things God has given to us just so we can be close to Him? It takes so much for us to be close to Him but it is not hard to do because of our love for Him. Our love for Him and His love for us is why we want to be obedient to whatever He would ask of us. When I think about all the things that work together just for us so we can be close to the Lord I can feel the love of Jesus and my body feels so warm all over.
Press On to Know the Lord
1 day ago
God gives all kinds of wonderful ways to become close to Him. And if we truly love Him, we desire to be close to Him. This is a great post! Thanks!
I just love the mercy and grace of God! If it weren't for mercy and grace...where would I be?
God did go to great lengths just to have us near Him. He loves us that much - incredible! Thanks for this great post!
This is the key... "Our love for Him and His love for us is why we want to be obedient to whatever He would ask of us." He loved us first, we love Him back and the biggest blessings are found only when we obey! Lovely words, thank you!
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