The times I feel there is no way I can call on the Lord is so many that I can't even begin to count them. My sin is to bad, it is something God just won't forgive me for. What am I going to do now? I know He has turned away from me (although in truth I know He hasn't). I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway. Will God ever show His mercy? Have You rejected me completely, Lord?
Lamentations 5:21-22; "Turn thou us unto thee, O Lord, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old. v.22 But thou hast utterly rejected us; thou art very wroth against us."
I am asking the Lord to restore me to Him so that I may be restored. If I feel God has left me, that is my thinking that He has. Hebrews 13:5; "...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." It tells me right in God's Word that He will never leave nor forsake me. When I feel this way I know the best thing for me to do is to pray, pray, and pray. While I am praying I will also praise the Lord, He loves to hear my praise.
When I earnestly pray and I mean from the heart and I should do this everytime I do pray to the Lord, I am amazed at the feeling, the closeness, and the love I feel from the presence of the Lord. God wants me to feel this way all of the time.
There is no sin or deed that is so bad that I am not able to call upon the Lord. Romans 10:13; "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." I just have to be willing to go to Him, I can never feel so embarrassed that I won't go to Him. God knows every single thing and thought about me anyway. There is no place that I would be able to hide that He wouldn't know where I am and what I am thinking. God knows everything and come to think about it I am so glad He does.
God knows when I get mad, when I envy, when I doubt, and if I just want to say 'no' to Him. It is better that I go to Him and talk to Him than to wait around and think He will forget what I have done, or forget that I got angry, that I had envy in my heart, that I doubted, or that I wanted to say 'no' to Him. In my case, waiting around makes it worse for me than if I go to Him in the very beginning.
Romans 8:39; "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." This Scripture tells us that should anyone fail in their spiritual life it isn't because of lack of divine grace and love. It will be from their own neglect to remain in Jesus. God's love has been shown clearly in Jesus and only in Him do we experience it. When we abide in Jesus as our Lord we can be certain that we will never be separated from God's love.
If there is ever a time you feel you can not go to the Lord in the time of need, please be reassured He is waiting for you to come to Him. There is nothing that you have or can do that is so bad that He wouldn't want you to call upon Him. He loves you always and He is always waiting for you to go to Him.
Thank you for stopping by and may you know the peace of the Lord. Blessings!
All comments are welcome.
Press On to Know the Lord
1 day ago
Not one of us is worthy to go to the Lord, but thank God for His mercy and grace and the blood of Jesus! Thank you for this reminder today!
We never need to hide our feelings from God. He knows how we are feeling. He knows when we are angry, sad and hurting. We need to turn those feelings over to Him. Thank you for this great post!
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