Friendship is a two way street, it is not a one way street.
Friends are always there to help you out, comfort you, and they truly know you, there has been a joke going around that says a friend loves you when no one else does. They know a friendship is something to work on continually not just when you or they need something from the other.
Proverbs 18:24; "A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother". You can not expect to have a friend if you can't be a friend yourself.
Debi, my daughter, has been a friend of mine for years. She has never let me down. I, in turn am a friend of hers. We can talk about anything and if we don't see eye to eye we don't give up on one another. Dave, my husband and friend has very seldom let me down. I can talk to Dave about most anything but there are some things a woman needs to talk to another woman about and Debi is that woman for me.
The one and only true friend a person has is Jesus Christ. He is the one that knows every single thing about you, He knows your thoughts, dreams, dislikes, and He knows exactly where your heart is. John 15:14; "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you". When we have a friend we want to do things for them and walk with them. Jesus has said we are His friends if we do what He commands us to do. We need to be a friend to Jesus as well. A friend is someone we love so we should try with all our might to do what He has asked us to do.
John 15:15; "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you". Friends do not keep secrets from us. They want you to know what they know just as Jesus wants us to know what God has told Him. What a true friend we have in Jesus.
Always remember friendship is not a one way street but a two way street. It is something we must work on and remember Jesus is our true Friend; He gave us life so that we could live. John 3:16; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".
May you always know the love, joy, and peace of the Lord!
Press On to Know the Lord
1 day ago
I've come to find that the ONLY TRUE friend is Jesus. Just when I think I have found that 'best friend' that I can share all with, I find that I was wrong. It's happened over and over. Well, I have Jesus, my hubby, my mama (*smiles*) and my girls...I guess I don't need any one else even when I think that I do. "What a friend we have in Jesus?"
Love you, Mama!
Friends are so very important. I pray I can always BE a friend. Great post!
I can't say that I have ever been persecuted for my faith, but I have had people tell me to keep it to myself, to controversial to talk about, they say. I just so want people to know what a friend they have in Jesus, human relationships are important we need them, but with Jesus you can tell him anything and you know it will stay between the two of you, He is going to going to come gossiping to you about what Him and I talked about this morning, the only thing He is jealous for is me, he never breaks a promise and only wants the best for me. We can't find a better frind than that.
Blessings Deane.
Gosh I really need to proof my comments before I post them. I meant to say, He is not going to gossip to you about what Him and I talked about. he is trustworthy.
Excellent point Deane. Jesus is truly the only one that knows us "inside and out", and loves us anyways. Thank kind of friendship is wondrous and unique, and deserving of our unwavering loyalty and praise.
Have a Blessed Day!
MUITO BOM! Eu acredito que Deus criou o homem e deixou o manual de instrução, a “BÍBLIA SAGRADA!” A bíblia é a divina revelação da palavra de Deus e não produtos enlatados, eu costumo dizer que: “As pessoas precisam parar de comer tudo o que dão. E começar a questionar! ” Alguém escuta alguma coisa de alguém, e saem falando, sem questionar, sem saber se é verdade ou não. As pessoas precisam se perguntar! Será que a minha crença esta de acordo com a lei de Deus? Será que a religião que eu nasci sempre me falou a verdade? Quando uma pessoa morre pra onde ela vai? Ela volta? A bíblia apóia o homossexualismo? Quem não herdara o reino de Deus? O que devo saber sobre idolatria, imagens e escultura? O que devo saber sobre o único batismo? Será que tem uma seqüência para salvação? A quem eu devo me confessar, quem pode me perdoar? Religião salva alguém? Essas e outras perguntas e respostas em:
Você pode dizer, eu já sou salvo amém! Vamos atrás de quem não esta, “Se você quer se dar bem com o mundo seja hipócrita, mas se você quer se dar bem com Deu seja verdadeiro!” divulgue este site, porque: “Eis que vêm dias, diz o Senhor Jeová, em que enviarei fome sobre a terra, não fome de pão, nem sede de água, mas de ouvir as palavras do Senhor. E irão vagabundos de um mar até outro mar, e do norte até ao oriente; correrão por toda parte, buscando a palavra do Senhor, e não a acharão." ( Amós cap 8 ver 11 e 12 )Fale para outras pessoas, por que “O Senhor não retarda a sua promessa, ainda que alguns têm por tardia: mas é longânimo para convosco, não querendo que alguns se percam, senão que todos venham a arrepender-se.” (II Pedro cap. 3 ver 8) e “Que quer que todos os homens se salvem, e venham ao conhecimento da verdade. Porque há um só Deus, e um só Mediador entre Deus e os homens, Jesus Cristo o homem. (I A Timóteo cap 2 ver 5 e 6)
Seja sua bíblia, católica ou evangélica, aqui você vai tirar suas duvidas.
E conhecereis a verdade, e a verdade vos libertara (João cap 8 ver 32) Se você tiver coragem de perguntar, a bíblia terá coragem de responder!
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