We got the biopsy report back that Dave had done a week ago. He does have a cancerous tumor. We will find out Wednesday what type of treatment will be given.
Both Dave and I know the Lord is right at our sides and He will get us through this but I do know Satan is trying to cut-in on the Lord. It is up to us to make sure he doesn't get this done.
I Thessalonians 2:18; "...Satan hindered us". We know Satan is permitted by God to war against and to hinder believers from doing what we want to do for Christ. We also know God can overrule Satan's activities and turn them into good for His kingdom.
We can overcome the hindrance of Satan by praying daily for deliverance and protection from his schemes and power. This is a must for all of us. We must never let Satan get his foot in the door, sort of speaking; we must keep him at bay at all times. There is no one else but the Lord that can and will protect us from Satan. By praying to the Lord we are telling Him we know that He can and will protect us from Satan.
Satan wants us to believe he is no longer a real enemy who takes people captive by sin. We must not let him get away with this. Those little thoughts in your mind that he puts there like telling you God doesn't really care about you or a little lie isn't really a big deal comes from no other than Satan. He wants to build his empire by lying to us.
Yes, this is what Satan has been telling me, God doesn't really care what happens to Dave while in ALL TRUTH God does care. He is there to help me if I just call on Him. Believe me I have been calling on Him a lot lately. I know in my heart and mind God will take care of Dave, it may be through the doctor's hands or by another miracle of healing but Satan sure is trying to get in, I CAN'T LET HIM IN, I JUST CAN'T.
Psalm 18:2; "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower". We have the Lord to help us through this, He is my strength, and He literally gives us His strength because He knows we are weak. What kind of love is this? It is a mighty love only God can give us. I will hold onto this verse as it will keep reminding me of WHO will help me.
We are not the only ones going through a rough time of one sort or another and I pray they ask the Lord for strength to get through whatever it is they are going through.
Thank you, Lord for being with us in this time of need and for your strength you give us. Thank you for your love and mercy. We give you all the praise and glory. In Jesus Name. Amen
May you always know the love, joy, and peace of the Lord!
Press On to Know the Lord
1 day ago
Isaiah 53:4-5
4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
I refuse to let the enemy skew my belief that God will be - IS - victorious! Cancer will NOT take Daddy! Cancer will NOT be what defines who he is or what he does. God, and God alone will define him!
I know it's a battle, but we must remember, God is the one fighting for us. Put on the whole armor of God and let God fight the battle!
I love you and I am praying continually for Daddy's strength and for you both to have the peace that only God can give!
First off, I love you and Papa so very much. Not only are you my grandparents, but you are my close friends. I love you both.
Satan will not win this. He is trying to hurt Papa and he is trying to bring us all down. But we serve a BIG God. We serve THE Healer. I am praying and believing in JESUS NAME!
We will be praying for Dave. Sorry to hear this news. You are so right. The devil will throw stones at you hoping to create distance from you and Christ. Find joy in the struggle because this IS molding you into the image of Christ! We can't have perserverance without the trial...Thanks for sharing this today.
my prayers are with you and family. I love how you praise and trust God through this, you have been throught quite a bit these last few months and I will be praying that He cover you with His peace and strength as He walks you through this.
I've said prayers for Dave and for you today Deane, and will continue to lift your burdens to the Lord. God is indeed with you both, and will see you through this trial.
Have a Blessed Day!
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