Friday, May 20, 2011

Tell The World

Jenifer and Jeremy were taking their son, Jeremiah to get his baseball picture taken and wouldn't you know it, a flat tire. Jenifer called Dave so Dave and I went to lend them a hand. I think it was a wrench they couldn't find to change the tire and we live not to far from where this happened.

A patrolman stopped and Jeremy told them they had help coming and told the patrolman where they were headed. The patrolman offered to take Jeremy and Jeremiah on to the place to get Jeremiah's picture taken and Jeremy told him he wasn't going to leave his wife with three kids out on the highway so the patrolman offered to take Jenifer and Jeremiah so Jeremiah wouldn't miss out on his baseball picture.

I told Dave the patrolman must be a family man and knows how important things like this can be. I just thought it was so nice of this patrolman. Perhaps he wasn't even married but he had compassion.

The other three kids, Lylea, Gracie, Zack, and I started talking about the Lord and school. Lylea said one of her friends at church had said it was really bad in schools. I feel for these kids going to school these days. If they are Christians they can't or aren't even supposed to talk about their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, if they do then they are usually reprimanded for it. What a dishonor to our Lord.

They have taken the Lord out of almost everything now days; out of school, out of government, and even out of some homes. I don't understand how we have let this happen. I believe there are more people knowing the Lord than not and yet we have just set back and let the ones that don't know and believe in God take Him out of everything. It seems these people are fighting harder for Satan than what we Christians are for God. What is wrong with us? Do we care or do we just think there are other Christians out there that will do something about it? We, me included should be ashamed of ourselves. Where would we be today if Jesus would have said there surely is someone else out there that will take all the punishment, humiliation, and death so I don't have to do it. We would be in a terrible mess. We are headed that way now because no one seems to care what people are doing. They don't seem to care or mind if they take God out of everything. Well, every single one of us should care and we should get off of our duffs and start doing something about it. If we wait it is going to be TOO LATE.

Dave and I are very fortunate, we have three doctors we go to and they are all Christians, we are free to talk about the Lord anytime we wish. Larry, the veterinarian for our animals in Topeka is a Christian and we talk about the Lord lots of time. We have discussed about God being taken out of everything. It is a great pleasure to be able to talk about the Lord when we want to. But if we continue to stand by and let others dictate to us about the Lord we may not always be able to do this.

I am tired of standing by, I have decided I am going to talk to others about the Lord more and invite all of you to do the same. After all John 3:16 says; "For God so love the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".
We owe the Lord more love, respect, honor, praise, and glory than what we can ever give Him for what He has done for us. He not only has done but continues to do for us every single day. We will never be able to repay Him for what He has done and will do for us but we sure need to try our best to do everything possible that we can.

Dave was just on face book, he had been sent a message from a niece of ours and on her page it says: "I BELIEVE IN GOD, never panic, just pray". How awesome of you, Rachel! Now this is what our world should be doing, acknowledging God.

I am so glad I was given the opportunity to talk with Lylea, Gracie, and Zack because it has gotten me fired up on the Lord again. Perhaps God had all of this planned, I don't know but I am going to let people know where I stand when it comes to the Lord and invite them and all who reads this post to take a stand with me.

Thank you, God for all of your love, compassion, understanding, grace, mercy, and your precious Son, Jesus Christ and I love you.

May you always know the love, joy, and peace of the Lord!


Debi said...

Amen! I wish that everyone would have an 'altering' moment like you had. We do need to keep Jesus in the forefront of our everyday life! My life philosophy is Walk the walk of the talk you talk! If you are gonna say you are a Christian...then you'd better 'walk' a Christian life because if you don't walk the one will believe the talk!

Let's bring Jesus back to the place where He belongs...FIRST in our life!!!

Thank you for this reminder to do just that! Love you!

Jenifer Metzger said...

First off, thank you so much for helping us last night! :)

I want to be BOLD for the Lord. I want to shout it out and have everyone know. God is good and is worthy to be praised. We should never try to quiet talk of Him or be ashamed of Him.

Kandi said...

I was at the store the other day getting a prayer journal, actually it is just a notebook with a pretty cover. Anyway the lines were really long so no matter what line I got into I was going to have a wait. I got behind a woman who had kind of a full cart and when she turned around and saw I had only one item she graciously let me go ahead of her, I thanked her and she gave me the sweetest smile, and as she continued to chat with me I knew something was different about her, she had a peace in the way she smiled a peace in the way she spoke to me. As she started to unload her cart I glanced at some of the things she were buying and I thought this woman is a Christian, I thought to myself this is a woman who gets it, not because she let go ahead of her line but it was everything about my brief encounter with her. This was a woman who lets her light shine before men, this is a woman who walks the talk.

Ever since then I have been trying harder to live more boldly for the Lord. It goes against the grain of my naturally introverted self, but I am also a work in progress. Thank you for this post Deane.

Blessings to you!

Unknown said...

We do need to be bold in sharing Jesus. I was at the store the other day and I've noticed there is something different about this cashier. I asked if she was a Christian and when she said yes, I told her that Jesus shines all over her. I hope that people can say that about me.
Have a blessed weekend, Deane